Benchmark License agreements
How to best structure a licensing deal?
A good understanding of industry practices and an in-depth knowledge of how previous contracts were designed is essential to successfully negotiate a deal.
Biotechgate's license agreement section contains details from more than 38,000 licensing contracts for Biotech, Pharma and Medtech companies. The data is structured and searchable which allows you to benchmark your upcoming negotiations with existing agreements.
Typical information provided in our database includes (as far as disclosed):
- Licensor and licensee as well as the compound name
- Press release or a copy of the original licensing deal contract
- Clinical phase and therapeutic area / indication
- Collaboration type and territory
- Financials, such as upfront and milestone payments, total deal size and royalties
See Sample License Agreements
Click on a link below to download some of our over 38,000 license agreements free of charge:
Key features
«Biotechgate‘s licensing deals database allows me to rapidly get an overview of relevant benchmark deals.
I can only recommend the tool as it provides very comprehensive information and is easy to use. »